Terms And Conditions
Term fees are required to be paid within the first two weeks of term. If you join mid-term, fees are required to be paid within two weeks of your first class. No student will be accepted into class with outstanding fees. If you need to arrange a part payment or payment plan, we are happy to discuss this with you. Lucy Martin School Of Dance reserves the right to pass unpaid invoices to Debt Collectors when necessary. We also reserve the right to decline enrolments if the terms and conditions have been breached or term fees have been unpaid/overdue previously.
We occasionally take photos for advertising on our social media. Please let us know if you would not like your son or daughter featured in any photos.
By submitting this enrolment form, you are agreeing that if fees are unpaid for a period of more than two weeks, dancers will not be accepted into class until this account is settled.
Please be aware that dancers perform at their own risk and our studio does not accept any responsibility for accident or injury to dancers in attendance at the studio. This condition also applies to spectators.
LATE FEES: (applicable to all invoices)
Lucy Martin School Of Dance does not allow any unpaid invoices. This includes but is not limited, to invoices for term fees, private lessons, uniform purchases, end of year show participation. Any invoices that becomes outstanding for more than 7 days will have a $30 late fee applied to it. If you need to arrange a part payment or payment plan, we are happy to discuss this with you.
CANCELLATION POLICY: (not applicable to Open Preschool or Preschool Ballet classes)
Our school is experiencing a large amount of growth and class places are in high demand. Each term your dancers’ enrolment automatically carries over to the following term. You need to notify us if you are not planning on returning for the following term as spaces in class are limited and we have held a space for your child.
Failure to notify us that you are not returning prior to the first Monday of term will result in you being charged a $30 cancellation fee. This does not apply to Term 1 as enrolments do not roll over from the previous year. Thank you for your co-operation.
Lucy Martin School Of Dance provides a fun, safe, and inclusive space for people to learn to dance. We do not tolerate bullying, or rude, disrespectful behaviour in any form. This includes behaviour towards students, teachers, or staff members. Anyone behaving inappropriately will be removed from class immediately and permanently.
Lucy Martin School Of Dance reserves the right to refuse service to anyone based on our values, without refund of lessons paid for, and without warning. These terms also apply to parents or caregivers.
Lucy Martin School Of Dance reserves the right to decline enrolment or refuse service to a person (or persons) who has breached these terms and conditions in any way.
By submitting an enrolment form, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions, our late fees, and our cancellation policy in full.
Lucy Martin School Of Dance reserves the right to adjust and amend these terms and conditions as needed.